In a down draft spray booth, the air isn’t just supposed to touch or brush up against the section of the car being painted, it should completely envelop it – in fact, all of the air flowing into the spray booth should be directed in this manner. If the doors are leaking air from your spray booth, either due to improper latching or worn seals, your booth will be less efficient, use more energy and take longer to complete the cycle, all of which can cost you and your business money. However, more cabin pressure isn’t always better, because exceedingly high pressure can disrupt the airflow and move dust, dirt, and other airborne particles in the paint. Inversely, low airflow will result in the slowness of the air, which can also result in airborne particles landing in the paint. Finally, a clogged or small air filter can restrict airflow or allow non-filtered air to enter the booth, leading to contamination.
Our proprietary monitoring system alerts you when your booth is not operating at peak performance. With monitoring points on the exhaust, intake, burner, and other components, a real-time live report is available anywhere you have access to a computer. Making sure that your booth is operating at peak efficiency means you will spend less money on downtime from inoperable equipment to saving even more by spending less time buffing and polishing to have a perfect finish. Contact us today about how we can install our system and show you how Airflow = Cashflow. Our spray booth maintenance services located in Denver, CO (Front Range) and Dallas, TX.